Pictures prove extent of commercial use of a personal vehicle
Unfortunately, vehicles insured on personal auto policies are used for commercial business purposes at a surprising rate. When that happens, carriers lose out on premium and lose even more when accidents occur because commercial use vehicles carry higher risk. Carriers employ various methods to detect red flags, but our research shows there are still many vehicles that fall through the cracks. But there is a way to identify these red flags before they cost you thousands each year. How? By using vehicle pictures and you can get those pictures from DRN’s Picture Proof.
Through Picture Proof, carriers get photographic evidence of vehicles on their books to present empirical evidence to policyholders they suspect of using a vehicle for commercial purposes.
Here are some of the most shocking photos we’ve seen with Picture Proof. In each of case, the carrier was unaware of the risk hiding in their books.
The Roadside Watermelon Vendor
While the carrier believed they were insuring a pickup, they did not know they were also insuring an entire business. The risks presented in the photo are high. Not only is the carrier insuring the vehicle, but once the roadside business closes for the day, they are liable for the watermelons on the truck, as well as any materials used for the business when it is being transported on the truck.
The Storm Trackers
Signage is often a big indicator of commercial use. In this picture, the carrier was able to clearly see commercial use through the large signage on the vehicle. And, the signage on the truck highlights the dangers the policyholder faces, putting the risk profile at an extreme high.
The Unknowing Work Station
Seeing personally insured vehicles used as work vehicles is very common. But most of the time, carriers do not know the extent of how these vehicles are being utilized. In this photo, not only is the vehicle is being used as a work vehicle, it is also used as a work station. Should any third party injuries occur while the person is cutting pieces of tiles, the carrier can be liable for those injuries.
The Trailer Addition
Trailers are oftentimes temporarily attached to vehicles to transport large items. But there are times when policyholders attach trailers to haul equipment to and from work sites. In cases like these, carriers can use pictures as talking points and evidence when confronting policyholders about commercial use.
Beware of the Ford F350s
Insurers see a Ford F350 on their books. In reality, this is what we see: commercial use. Vehicle owners will sometimes modify their vehicle into an industrial vehicle, but leave it insured as a personal vehicle causing carriers to be unaware of what the vehicle is actually being used for.
Pictures are the Ultimate Proof
Picture Proof has helped many carriers confront policyholders about commercial use, saving them thousands in premium leakage. Pictures are the ultimate proof carriers need in order to fight the epidemic of commercial use. DRN has the resources to help them see it for themselves.